With about a weeks notice, some of the Columbus homies took the CR-V to Cleveland to ride some new spots. The crew consisted of Dylan Kasson, Chris Martin, Josh Smukal, Kyle Arnholt and Max Lemonds. We got to Cleveland later than we wanted because Kyle left his scooter in his other car but we still cruised around and checked out some spots. A Clevelander and fellow rider, Nick Schroth was nice enough to house us for the night. The next morning we rode some spots outside of the city. Eric Zanath ended up hopping in the CR-V which meant 4 deep in the back seat. Every spot except for one that we went to, someone got a clip or a photo which is pretty odd. We only got kicked out of two spots. The first one, the security guard said it was cool and just be safe
but then the owner came out and told us we had to leave and that we couldn’t play here. Dylan got heated when he called scootering playing so we stuck around and rode for another 5 minutes until Dylan got the clip. The second time the cop was really nice about it. He understood that it was a nice day and we were just trying to have a good time. The whole trip involved endless chipotle lines, mobbing the streets of Cleveland, Skitching cars, talking Kyle into trying tricks, Josh and Kyle’s first trip together while being on Downside, Finding the two Hellagrip sheets that Jonny 2b left behind, dodging people as we cut through the rock and roll hall of fame ceremonies and hitting up a weird fountain bank spot right next to the projects.