Like always, Tilt hosts a BBQ for all the riders and people that are apart of the chicago jam. No invites ever go out but the people that are most influential in the scooter scene just know about it and show up. This year we had a mini park set up to mess around on. People ended up throwing down after they got their hamburgers in them thanks to Tom K for being the grill master. We started to feel bad that we had to pack up because so much was going down. After things were packed up it was off to the tilt house where the after party happened. The backyard looked like a campground were we tried to burn everything that would catch fire. Inside the house, there was a mini tech deck sesh that happened while others smashed on more food.
Since so many people were in town a lot of crews joined up after the jam for the whole weekend and rode together. A couple memorable moments are, a group of rappers filming a music video and trying to link up with us while we were filming some lines by the beach. Josh Young throwing down while a security guard tried to kick us out. Jona Humbel stepping in front of a car to save one of the shots for Chris. Ridding into the night 15 deep while Collin Niesen tried to fast plant a car. Dylan Kasson going up to that same car trying to FS 180 and the dude that owns the car walks up and gets right in and drives off. Eating tons of pizza and chicken. Thanks to everyone that made it a great time and kept up the good vibes.